How Does Organiks Kill Bacteria
How Does Chlorine Dioxide Kill Bacteria?

Compounds on the surface of cell membranes and within the cells of bacteria that contains oxidisable materials react to chlorine dioxide, causing disruption in cell metabolism and kills the microorganism. Unlike other disinfectants, chlorine dioxide can kill microbes even when they are inactive. Due to the strong oxidizing mechanism of chlorine dioxide, most microorganisms are also unable to build up resistances against chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide has been found to be one of the most effective tools for dispersing biofilms, and in some cases, inhibiting the formation of future biofilms. This function is especially valuable in the small cooling towers of food processing facilities where food product contamination can contribute to heavy films or algal slimes. Biofilm is a film or coating that protects and harbors viable bacteria colonies making surfaces more difficult to clean and disinfect.